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eleven north property group Blog

How you can help Australia rebuild

Like all Australians, we are devastated by the disastrous bushfires that have been ravaging our country.

This bushfire season has been one of the worst on record for Australia, and our thoughts and gratitude are with the firefighters, volunteers and emergency services who continue to work tirelessly to protect our lives, homes and wildlife. In times like this, it is important that we as a country and as an international community pull together to help and support one another, which is why JY Mentor has donated to Red Cross Australia and the Victorian Bushfire Appeal.

However, relief for this bushfire tragedy is a marathon, not a sprint, and the process of rebuilding those communities most affected by the fires could take years. As such, while donations are critical now, it is just as important that the Australian public continues to rally together through our country’s recovery efforts. Every cent helps, so we encourage everyone in the JY Mentor community to donate whatever they can, and whenever they can, via the below links:…/disaster-relief-and-recovery-…